Monday 18 January 2010

(Continuity Exercise) Strengths and Weaknesses from my preliminary exercise.

Good points

  • Different variety of camera shots created greater understanding.
  • The idea was clear and creative, making the narrative humourous.
  • Match on action was used effectively.
  • Editing was good, invisible editing was in practice.
  • The clown music suited the content of the scene.
  • Motivated cuts to hide the clowns face was used efficiently as it created suspence.
  • The wavy motion of the title, suited the media text.
Bad Points

  • The lighting noticably varied between shots.
  • Music had a slightly quicker rythme that the scene, this unintentional use of asynchronous sound could have been confusing.
  • Personally, I realised that on some mid-shots of the clown contained other objects (large hat & papers on desk) that may have distracted the audience.
Improvements That I would make.
  • I would change made the lighting consistent throughout all frames, through editing techniques.
  • I would have located music with a similar clown theme, but that had a slower rythme to match the content of the footage.
  • I could have used a more related typography that just plain white.
  • I would remove all distracting objects from the shoe, to create a more professional look.

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