Wednesday 28 April 2010

(Evaluation) Part Two - Who would be the audience for your product?

Age: 15 - 30

Gender: Both (However, slightly more male due to the predominant male cast.)

Ethnicity; British. All races, yet mainly Caucasian)

Media Consumption; 24, Lost, Prison Break, The Bill, CSI. (General crime/complex television shows or films.)

Social Economic: B-D (We choose this specific SEG, as our thriller is reasonably mainstream so would appeal to a wider range of people.

Habits: Frequent readers, interested specifically in thriller films.

During pre-production we asked our audience questions about thrillers. We placed a survey on gum tree and asked for people who like thriller to take the survey. Here are some of the responses and how this informed out production;

  • 26.7% of 15-30 year old's favourite thriller sub-genre was the psychological thriller. Due to this popularity, we have included many instances in our thriller that introduce this psychological element by including multiple clues, red herrings and twists.
  • Furthermore, our audience also pick the ‘edge of the seat’ effect as the best part of a thriller. As a result, our opening contains multiple fast cuts (i.e D.I Sharma removing his notepad) and distorted music through the flashbacks.
  • Moreover, during production I also added a draft of our thriller and asked my friends who fitted into are target of any improvements

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