Wednesday 28 April 2010

(Evaluation) Part One - Brief

The brief for our foundation production was to;

'Produce the titles and opening of a new (thriller/horror) fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes'.

We were also given the assessment criteria for our portfolio as well as evaluating past students work, both of these gave me a greater understand of my brief, as stated in Production Log 1.

Our opening starts with our main protagonist, Mr.Harris, giving evidence to D.I Sharma. We witness Mr.Harris' thoughts through flashbacks. However, as the flashbacks start to get longer and more is revealed to the audience; the session is interrupted and D.I Sharma has to leave. Whilst alone, the flashbacks continue...and Mr.Harris feels ill - here then rushed to the washroom to through up. In the washroom, the killer finds Mr.Harris...

The title of our thriller is 'Evidence'. We chose this as it is the key theme in the thriller, Mr.Harris is only in this situation because he can give evidence. Moreover, it also supports the legal sub genre of our thriller.

Sub Genre
As explained in our treatment (under the 'Narrative' section), our thriller covers three sub genres;
Legal thriller; Our thriller fits into this genre due to the strong theme of police.
Physiological thriller; With the key clues, red herrings and twist at the end (that P.C Chandler is the killer) our thriller will play with the audience's mind.
Stalker thriller; The mise-en-scene of our killer added to his stalking of Mr.Harris clearly places our thriller in this category.

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